A Twitter movement to bring South Korean Royals fan SungWoo Lee back to Kansas City, Mo., for the World Series has triumphed.
After the Royals swept the Baltimore Orioles Wednesday, fans took to Twitter with the hashtags #BringBackSungWoo and #SungWooSeries to lobby for Lee's return.
Lee previously had stated that he wouldn't be able to come back to Kansas City because he accepted a new job and didn't have vacation time.
But early Friday, New York based filmmaker Josh Swade posted this to Twitter:
Guess who's coming to game 1?! #SungWooSeries @30for30 @Royals @MLB pic.twitter.com/lKiofQKFr7
— Josh Swade (@JoshSwade) October 17, 2014
Swade and another filmmaker went to Korea to meet with Lee and his bosses, and managed to convince them to let him leave for game one of the World Series.