Seg. 1: Collision-Reducing Tech Not Used On Semitrucks. Seg. 2: Human Relationships With Technology.Segment 1: As crashes involving large trucks continue to increase, resistance to crash avoidance and mitigation technology remains.When a tractor-trailer…
Uber's got a plan to get commuters off the ground and into the air. Is it feasible? Also, learn about Kansas City's mentorship program that has students…
It's a promise we've heard so many times before: Flying cars! Will a new plan from Uber finally get commuters off the ground? Then, we find out why Robert…
A company in Massachusetts says its prototype, the Transition, completed its first flight, soaring to 1,400 feet. The two-seater will be ready for sale within a year and is expected to cost $279,000. A hundred buyers have already plunked down their deposits.
American and Dutch companies announced their prototype flying cars completed first flights. The American car flies like a plane; the Dutch one like a helicopter.