The United Way of Greater Kansas City gave $1.2 million to victims and $832,000 to 14 community groups Thursday, hoping to reach individual gunshot victims from the Kansas City Chiefs’ parade shootings and the larger community working to prevent gun violence.
Las familias de los heridos en el tiroteo del 14 febrero cargan con lo que un experto llama "la deuda por victimización". En la tercera entrega de nuestra serie “The Injured,” aprendimos sobre la presión de tener que pagar facturas médicas grandes y pequeñas, y otros gastos de bolsillo.
Families of the people hurt during the Feb. 14 mass shooting are carrying what one expert calls “victimization debt.” In the third story of our series “The Injured,” we learn about the strain of paying small and large medical bills and other out-of-pocket costs.
Kansas City ha introducido un tablero de control en línea que rastrea las camas disponibles para pasar la noche en los albergues. Para hacer más accesible la ayuda a los residentes sin vivienda, la ciudad también anunció un punto de entrega consolidado para las donaciones a los albergues locales.
To make aid for unhoused residents more accessible, Kansas City has introduced an online dashboard that tracks available beds in overnight facilities. The city also announced a consolidated drop-off point for donations to local shelters.
The Tenant Representation Initiative, created by the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, has saved hundreds of tenants from eviction through what it says is much needed legal counsel. “It’s like a bus had just been removed off my body," said one client, "because I felt like I was being ran over by a bus."