C.W. Gusewelle joined The Kansas City Star in 1955. He now writes a weekly column published Sundays on the front page of the Metropolitan section. On a recent Up to Date, Gusewelle talked to host Steve Kraske and shared a holiday story. C.W. Gusewelle joined The Kansas City Star as in 1955. And since that time, Guswelle has traveled extensively on assignment for The Star in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, West Europe, East Europe and the former Soviet Union. Besides his newspaper reporting and commentary, his articles and short fiction have appeared in Harper's, American Heritage, The Paris Review and many other magazines and journals. He was awarded The Paris Review's Aga Khan Prize for Fiction in 1977.
To listen to the Up to Date with Charles Gusewelle in its entireity, check the Up to Date audio archives, and look for the December 19th edition.