Kansas Poet Laureate, Denise Low, was born and raised in the Flinthills of Emporia. A professor at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence for over two decades, Low has continued to build on what was started by the first Kansas laureate, Jonathan Holden--doing readings across the state and contributing to KansasPoets.com. By Angela Elam, host of New Letters on the Air
Kansas City, MO – Denise Low has also initiated the Ad Astra Poetry Project online, which she talks about with New Letters on the Air host, Angela Elam, who caught up with Low this week as she nears her halfway mark as the Kansas Poet Laureate.
Denise Low is the featured poet at what promises to be an unusual Mother's Day reading and conversation with the audience on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 at The Writers Place, 3607 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO.
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