Segment 1, beginning at 01:00: While coronavirus vaccinations are now widely available, our country remains ideologically divided over the simplest of pandemic safety measures — masks.
A political scientist and a psychologist discuss what has caused masks to become culturally and politically polarizing.
- Beth Vonnahme, associate dean at UMKC, College of Arts and Sciences, associate professor of political science
- Dr. Michele Gelfand, professor of psychology at the University of Maryland, cultural psychologist and author of ‘Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire the World.’
Segment 2, beginning at 25:38: April is National Donate Life Month. It serves as a reminder of the importance that organ, eye and tissue donors can make in the lives of others.
Sixty percent of Americans have marks on their driver’s licenses that declare their organs are to be donated upon their death. However, some people opt to donate an organ during their lifetime. A bioethicist and a living donor join us to discuss living organ donation, and their new book, "Kidney to Share."
- John D. Lantos MD, Glasnapp Family Foundation endowed chair in bioethics, director of Children's Mercy Bioethics Center
- Martha Gershun, principal, MG Consulting and living donor