The Difficult Task Of Raising Kids To Be Bilingual
More and more research is coming out telling us that being bilingual is good for your brain. It makes you more competitive in a global marketplace, And for many of us, language is our strongest link to our cultural heritage. But even if you’re bilingual, when you live in an English-speaking community, it’s not always easy to pass that language on to your child. To make the process easier many families turn to language schools, where kids learn language in a classroom setting on the weekend.
7 Tips For Raising Bilingual Children
For many generations, immigrants to the United States wanted their kids to learn English, as that was one of the most important parts of assimilation into American culture and jobs. But in an increasingly diverse, connected and multicultural world being bilingual is starting to be perceived as an asset. Hear tips on how to teach your child a second language.
Follow Up On The Maryville Rape Case
It’s been almost two years now since Daisy Coleman, who was then 14 years old, was allegedly raped by 17-year-old football player Matthew Barnett. Coleman's case was unexpectedly dropped by a local prosecutor. Now, Maryville is under national scrutiny and the prosecutor has called for another look at the case.
The Many Talents Of Kansas City Musician Mike Stover
Musician Mike Stover plays in many local Kansas City bands including, Mr. Marco’s V7, The Grisly Hand, Ernest James Zydeco and Dead Voices. Originally from Joplin, Mo., Stover is primarily a self-taught musician, who started playing the guitar when he was 11 years old and has since expanded his range of instruments and abilities.