Kansas City, MO – The Joint Committee on Education of the Missouri General Assembly heard public testimony last night, about the governance of the Kansas City school district. Community members talked about whether an appointed board might run the district better than the current elected board.
Over the past year, members of General Assembly have drafted legislation that would create an appointed board, or eliminate the sub-districts. Parent Melissa Eddy heads the organization Do The Right Thing for Kids.
"Urban districts are implementing new models of governance and experiencing measured success, why not Kansas City?" Eddy said.
Reverend Margaret Roberts represented MORE2, a coalition of clergy. She says the majority of current board members are new, and making progress towards reform and accreditation.
"Restructuring of the Kansas City School Board is already going on, and there is timely opportunity for further change through the elective process," Roberts said.
Kansas City's new superintendent John Covington began work earlier this month. State legislators and community members will be watching his relationship with the board, and student progress, as the conversation about governance continues.