Kansas City, MO – After nearly two years of debate Kansas City, Missouri has changed its rules for establishments that serve liquor by the drink. And one places things could change is on the city's college campuses.
One purpose of the new liquor ordinance is to bring Kansas City into line with a Missouri law that allows colleges and universities to choose to apply for a license to serve alcohol at sports events, plays, concerts and the like.
Cindy Circo explained that the main purpose of the ordinance, though, is s to give residential neighborhoods more protection when a nearby establishment applies for a 3AM closing permit.
Circo said are no businesses currently operating will be affected, "but as we go forward there are regulations wrapped around this that make a little tougher to get a 3 AM and concentrates it more in areas that are not butted up right next to a neighborhood."
The ordinance seeks to the place new 3AM licenses to areas in or near convention and tourist districts.