Laura Fotovich
Classical KC InternLaura Fotovich is a graduate from the City College of New York with a BA in music and minor in journalism. In addition to her work in radio, she teaches piano, guitar, ukulele and voice lessons, and performs locally in a band.
The Lyric's Opera To Go program brings live performances to retirement communities across the Kansas City metro. For the residents of these communities, in-person concerts are an experience that can't be replicated by recordings.
When you think about the guitar, your favorite rock band or a singer-songwriter might come to mind, but classical guitar rocks just as hard as its more mainstream counterparts. April is International Guitar Month: celebrate by learning more about Kansas City’s classical guitar scene.
If you’ve been feeling a little stir crazy and want a musical staycation, March is the perfect time to venture outside and enjoy some live music. Whether you’re a long time fan of classical music or you just need an excuse to get out of the house, here’s a list of free concerts and performances in the Kansas City area to enjoy.