Rebecca Feldhaus Adams
The ship's high-profile christening marks a day of recognition for the thousands of workers that have participated in the project over more than five years.
What started as a group of 2,500 has grown to an estimated 300,000. Motorcyclists from across the country rally in Washington, D.C. to raise awareness every Memorial Day weekend.
The Arkansas native is remembered for his fierce challenges to traditional Christian norms of his era.
Arguments that the law disproportionately affected black and Latino voters were deemed insufficient in the U.S. Circuit Court's decision.
Teens from all over the world made the cut to represent their countries at the Winter Games. Youthful energy and savvy social media have propelled many to Olympic stardom.
More than 450 plaintiffs are approved to receive compensation for time they spent in solitary confinement at Rikers Island under the "old time" policy.
After taking second place in 2014, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir are determined to grab gold with a tweaked program that tones down a signature — and some say risqué — move.
Late last week, the Department of Transportation announced it would withdraw proposed measures that would require airlines to show the full cost of booking, including baggage, at ticket purchase.
The FBI got a tip from the Polish government and recovered the painting in a town near Philadelphia. Representatives from the U.S. and Polish governments unveiled it in Warsaw.
The 52-page document outlines recommendations for teachers in its nearly 5,000 schools, saying students should "be able to play with the many cloaks of identity."