S.V. Dáte
The letter reminds Iranian leaders that while President Obama's term in office ends in 2017, many of the signers will remain in Congress far longer, some of them "for decades."
Danny Werfel, the new acting chief of the IRS, said the "be on the lookout" list used to flag Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny wasn't the only list the agency had been using.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has a new study of tax breaks in the tax code, and sure enough most of the biggest ones benefit the wealthiest taxpayers.
The former ambassador who led a review of the Benghazi consulate attack tells NPR he offered to testify at a House hearing but wasn't invited by Republicans.
Two prominent Democrats, including a former Republican governor who recently switched parties, hold commanding leads over the unpopular Scott, according to a poll.
A lawsuit over congressional district lines in Florida produces emails showing coordination between lawmakers and Republican Party officials, which is prohibited by the state Constitution.
Rubio's push on immigration overhaul is getting him all kinds of attention. But some of it, he probably would be just as happy without.