Segment 1: Should Kansas City's football team consider changing their name?
The Kansas City Chiefs are no longer under consideration for any awards given by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, on the grounds that the name is racist and has negative effects on community health. We discuss the repercussions of the team's name, as well as fans' chants and participation in the tomahawk chop.
- Rhonda LeValdo, communications professor, Haskell Indian Nations University
- Michael Friedman, clinical psychologist, The Harmful Psychological Effects of the Washington Football Mascot
Segment 2, beginning at 20:06: Kansas City still struggles with afforable housing.
The city has published two lengthy reports about housing in Kansas City, but are they any closer to helping people get in homes they can afford? We learn about the obstacles of building and finding affordable housing, and look at local pushes for improvement.
- Tara Raghuveer, director, Kansas City Eviction Project
- Tiana Caldwell, tenant who was evicted
- Michael Duffy, housing expert, Legal Aid of Western Missouri