Segment 1: A difficult image re-ignites debate over ethics in photography.
In a recent photograph, a migrant from El Salvador lies face down in water alongside his small daughter. The two have drowned on their quest to enter the United States. The image is part of ongoing debate about what it means to document responsibly.
- Keith Greenwood, associate professor, University of Missouri School of Journalism
Segment 2: What Kansas Citians would do if their student-loan debt disappeared.
Fantasies of life without student-loan debt have gone viral since Senator Elizabeth Warren announced plans for college debt cancellation as part of her presidential campaign platform. Our listeners' fantasies range from buying a house to paying off a second generation of student-loan debt for their children.
- Katie Boody, founder and CEO, Lean Lab
- David Jackson, certified financial planner, Waddell and Reed Financial Advisors