Segment 1: The nationwide trend of violence against transgender women of color.
A man was recently charged with the murder of Brooklyn Lindsey, a black transgender woman who was found dead in Kansas City in June. Anti-trans violence is on the rise nationwide, and we talk about why.
- Sarah McBride, national press secretary, Human Rights Campaign
Segment 2, beginning at 20:17: How a movement combines art and activism.
Craftivism isn't new. It's a movement that has combined art and activism for centuries. Recently, the knitting and crotcheting social networking website Ravelry banned pro-Trump posts, projects, and patterns. Our guests offer perspectives on Ravelry's decision and share their experiences with the craftivist movement.
- Shannon Downey, artist, activist and craftivist, Badass Cross Stitch
- Trish Fitzsimmons, owner, Yarn Social