Segment 1: Morgan Orozco is a sixteen-year old who's playing an active part in local government.
Sick of waiting for adults to do something about climate change, this high schooler is taking matters into her own hands.
- Morgan Orozco, Sustainability Advisory Board member, City of Lawrence; vice chair, Kansas High School Democrats
Segment 2, beginning at 23:16: A tale of mice, friendship and what's really important.
Charlie Mylie is out with his first children's book, Something For You. But Kansas Citians may already know him from a past project where he dressed in gold and went to different locations promising to draw anything patrons requested.
- Charlie Mylie, author/illustrator, Something for You
Segment 3, beginning at 42:38: Kansas City holds the world record for largest tuba ensemble.
The Kansas City Symphony beat out the competition for the Guinness World Record with a whopping 835 tubas in December 2018 during the annual TubaChristmas event.
- Stephanie Brimhall, education manager, Kansas City Symphony