High octane thrills. Open roads. Freedom. You may not be able to try the stunts at home, but you can certainly watch them there.
Friday on Up to Date, the DVD Gurus, screenwriter and film professor Mitch Brian and film critic Jason Heck are back to talk cinema’s love affair with the car.
In Ronin, Robert De Niro plays a freelancing former US intelligence agent who is trying to find a mysterious package wanted by the Irish and the Russians. Ryan Gosling is a mysterious Hollywood stuntman, mechanic and getaway driver who lands himself in trouble in the movie Drive. Mad Max takes us to a futuristic Australia where a vicious biker gang murders a cop's family.
Join us for a vroom-vroom good time talking about these films and more. A list of our DVD Gurus picks is located below this collection of movie trailers.
Jason Heck's picks:
Mad Max
Death Proof
Mitch Brian's picks:
The Driver
American Graffiti