Exercise is generally supposed to make you feel better, but one running club effort is aiming a little bit higher.
In the second part of Thursday's Up to Date, we take a look at how Anne Mahlum's Back On My Feet running clubs for homeless people are changing the way we look at those who live on the street and how they see themselves.
HEAR MORE: Anne Mahlum speaks as part of TEDxKC: Defy Impossible at 6 p.m., Aug. 20 at Helzberg Hall. For tickets to the simulcast, visit tedxkc.org.

Anne M. Mahlum is a social entrepreneur who started Back on My Feet, a non-profit organization in Philadelphia that uses the power of running to change the way those experiencing homelessness see themselves so they can make real change in their lives. In addition to Philadelphia, the organization now has chapters in Baltimore, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, Dallas and Indianapolis, Atlanta, New York City and Austin. In 2012, she hosted a documentary for MTV called The Break on youth homelessness, and she was recently featured in a book, called 50 Everyday Heroes.