In the Middle East the U.S. military has used drones with great effect. More properly called UAS or UAV for Unmanned Aerial Systems or Vehicle, their use on American soil for more peaceful purposes have been a source of controversy.
The Federal Aviation Administration has been known to step in and halt their use in this country, as it did when the University of Missouri developed its Missouri Drone Journalism Program. But Mizzou is not down and out. Its College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources was recently granted a Certificate of Authorization by the FAA to operate a UAS. In this edition of Up to Date, Steve Kraske finds out how the University was able to gain permission to fly a UAS and what it will doing in the sky.
- Dusty Walter, Superintendent of the Wurdack Research Center at the University of Missouri.
- Rory Paul, CEO of Volt Aerial Robotics a consultancy based in St Louis that develops, leases and sells autonomous aerial systems.