Segment 1: With an international shipping center up and running, the Edgerton mayor's job has gotten a lot more demanding.
Pay raises are typically measured in percentage points, but compensation for the mayor of Edgerton, Kansas, was recently increased by nearly $89,000 per year — a bump of about 8,900 percent. Today, he told us why he and the city council, which approved the pay raise unanimously, think it's warranted. We also got an idea of the massive changes the Logistics Park international freight distribution hub has brought to the community of 1,700 residents.
- Edgerton Mayor Donald Roberts
Segment 2, beginning at 25:58: For ex-offenders, simply doing time for the crime doesn't always lead to a clean slate.
With a new Missouri expungement law on the books and in effect as of January 1, we explored how ex-offenders are affected by "collateral consequences," those aspects of life made harder by a criminal conviction after the penalty has been paid. We asked lawyers from Kansas and Missouri to explained how expungement works in their states, who qualifies and what difference a cleaned-up record can make in a person's life.
- Matthew O'Connor, criminal defense attorney, O'Connor Law Firm
- Meredith Schnug, associate director, University of Kansas Legal Aid Clinic