Segment 1: A last look at candidates and issues before Tuesday's elections.
Kansas and Missouri primaries are just days away and the political climate on both sides of the state line is heating up. Our political pundits gave a rundown of the major races and issues going into the primaries, including controversial ballot measure Proposition A, and contests affecting Republican U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder and Democratic U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill.
- Colleen Nelson, Kansas City Star vice-president and editorial board editor
- Jo Mannies, St. Louis Public Radio reporter
- Stephanie Sharp, Sharp Connections owner and chief political translator
Segment 2, beginning at: 25:38: How and why do women become criminals?
New CBS series "Pink Collar Crimes" documents true stories of women who've entered a life of crime. The show's co-creator and a criminologist explained the types of offenses females commit most often, and the importance of understanding the underlying circumstances that lead them to become perpetrators of crime.
- Sharon Liese, "Pink Collar Crimes" co-creator and producer
- Jennifer Owens, UMKC Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology assistant professor