Segment 1: Young adults head up organization leading the Muslim community in civic learning and action.
Not usually known for being politically involved in the U.S., more Muslims are running for office this cycle than since the 9/11 attacks. Two organizers with the KC Muslim Civic Initiative spoke of what it is doing to empower the area's 30,000 Muslim Americans to become more civically engaged.
- Daniah Hammouda, KC Muslim Civic Initiative co-founder
- Osama Ehtesham, KC Muslim Civic Initiative organizer
Segment 2. beginning at 23:11: The elements for making a great flick for young audiences.
Should screenwriting for kids be different than for adults? Our Cinephiles answered that question, and asked how far one can go in writing a terrifying villain for a children's story. They shared four examples of great movies for children: "The Jungle Book," "Moana," "E.T." and "Space Camp."
- Mitch Brian, screenwriter and University of Missouri-Kansas City film professor
- Erin Hamer-Beck, screenwriter and instructor at Kansas City Art Institute and the University of Missouri-Kansas City