Segment 1: Missouri's new rules on bond authorizes judges to look for alternatives to cash bail or confinement.
On July 1st, a new rule took effect allowing Missouri judges the option to waive fees for defendants unable to afford monitoring costs required to be released on bail. The option helps reduce overcrowded jails and end the cycle of imprisoning the poor, but not all judges are comfortable with telling suppliers to offer their services for free.
- Matthew Mueller, senior bond litigation counsel for the Missouri State Public Defender's Office
Segment 2, beginning at 22:15: FEMA disaster teams canvas neighborhoods ravaged by storms to register survivors for and provide information on available assistance.
Once a beneficiary of FEMA assistance, Debbie Artner is now a team leader for one of FEMA's Disaster Survivor Assistance teams (DSA). With a "go bag" ready, DSA's are prepared to deploy to disaster area's within 24-hours of notification. In Missouri, DSA's have knocked on some 550 doors since July 9th, reaching out to those impacted by disastrous storms in the area.
- Kristiana Sanford, Public affairs specialist, FEMA Region VII
- Debbie Artzner, FEMA DSA Team Leader
Survivors who sustained damage or losses caused by the flooding and/or straight-line winds can register with FEMA at or by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362).