The Abilene museum is gradually increasing its hours in the wake of the pandemic shutdown.
In part one of our road trip series, we explore a place that combines beautiful landscapes, folk art and a whole lot of personality: central Kansas.
Author Susan Eisenhower on her grandfather's leadership and memorial. Also, the Kansas City musician whose sustainable concerts caught the attention of the United Nations.
Segment 1: Kansas governor discusses his transition to power, his election campaign, and the challenges facing his state.Four months ago, then-Lt. Gov.…
It runs from Baltimore to Provo, Utah, and the 1985 World Series was nicknamed after it. And did you know that they started building the very first…
You know Chuck Haddix as host of KCUR's Fish Fry, but his day job is director of UMKC's Marr Sound Archives. He finds truly surprising audio clips while…
When President Dwight Eisenhower started People to People International, he envisioned everyday people from around the world coming together to form…
When a President leaves office, the thousands of papers and other material relating to the events of his presidency are just ripe for the creation of a…
Dwight Eisenhower came into the presidency with a storied background as a U.S. Army general, but when he got into office, he did his best to keep the…
It was an odd couple who won the 1952 presidential race: Likable Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower and tricky Richard "Dick" Nixon. In the second part of Thursday's…
In his life Eisenhower lead the allied forces to victory in Europe, built the interstate system, and oversaw school integration, but what experiences…