The proposed budget for Kansas City, Missouri, keeps overall funding for safety net health care providers steady at $31.9 million, but the majority of…
The Kansas City Council on Thursday approved a $1.5 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year that boosts spending from health fund reserves to pay for…
A Kansas City Council committee has added some funding for indigent health care services in a revised 2016-17 budget to be considered Thursday by the full…
A simmering dispute over spending from a multimillion dollar health fund is scheduled to come to a head next Thursday as the Kansas City Council considers…
Voters in Kansas City, Missouri, struck down a measure in Tuesday's election that would have prohibited the city from giving incentives to companies that…
Kansas City has long supported health services for people without insurance or a means to pay. This is primarily done through a health levy, or property…
Efforts to renew Kansas City’s health levy went into full gear today. A renewal of the temporary property tax is up for a vote next month, and proponents…
Kansas City’s health levy has long funded ambulance services and other care for residents without insurance or a means to pay. A portion of that levy is…
Kansas City leaders look at the role of the city health care tax, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and House GOP leaders negotiate over workplace…
Residents of Kansas City have long financed public health, ambulance and indigent health services through a property tax which last year, brought in…