The one-man show, Clay, is loosely based on Shakespeare's stories of Henry IV and Falstaff. It explores the coming of age story of a young white man from the suburbs who escapes his troubled home for the world of rap and hip hop. Here, writer and performer Matt Sax sings "Mirror."
In an interview with Playbill, the Kansas City Repertory Theatre's Artistic Director Eric Rosen described hip-hop as a powerful musical genre. Rosen says it's like listening to Shakespeare's verse because "your ear has to tune to it. But, before you know it, you understand every word and every idea in Matt's beautiful rhyming form."
The Kansas City Repertory Theatre presents Clay, September 6 - 28 at the Copaken Stage, 1 H&R Block Way (13th & Walnut), in downtown Kansas City.Download recent arts stories or subscribe to the KCUR Arts Podcast