Segment 1: What's keeping Kansas City from opening back up.
Are two years of rolling shutdowns in the country's future? Without widespread testing and robust contact tracing, Kansas City's top health official worries it might become reality.
- Dr. Rex Archer, director of the Kansas City Health Department
Segment 2, beginning at 22:55: The Sheriff's Office is 'truly lucky' to have no known cases, Hayden said.
The spread of COVID-19 has forced change on Johnson County's sheriff and his deputies. Day-to-day policing is obviously affected, operations at county jails have adjusted, and the department's budget is sure to take a hit.
- Calvin Hayden, sheriff of Johnson County, Kansas
Segment 3, beginning at 31:15: Personal finance, pandemic edition
Government aid programs old and new are coming into play for families and individuals who are out of work because of stay-at-home orders. The Smart Money Experts addressed questions about stimulus checks, unemployment applications, personal finance and more.
- Barbara McMahon, owner and founder of Innovest Financial Partners
- Jamie Bosse, lead financial planner at Aspyre Wealth Partners
Segment 4, beginning at 48:50: Theater arts for the digital stage
Dire circumstances can sometimes produce innovative ideas. When lockdown put a crimp on the local theater scene, Nathan Bowman's first thought was, "what can we do to try to help support or at least provide some sort of an outlet for all these artists, who are all of a sudden in crisis mode?"
- Nathan Bowman, producing artistic director of Kansas City Public Theater