Segment 1, beginning at 4:30: International students in the U.S. are facing the prospect of possible deportation.
Colleges and universities are looking for ways to continue educating people without having them convene for in-person classes, but an announcement from the Trump administration suggests foreign students may have to leave the U.S. if their American schools opt for online-only classes.
- Elle Moxley, education reporter for KCUR
- Hollie Hall, international student at the University of Kansas
- Nada Meawad, international student at Park University
Segment 2, beginning at 29:05: Honoring the man who paved the way for Black politicians in Kansas City
Leon Jordan was assassinated in 1970, outside his Green Duck Lounge at the corner of 26th Street & Prospect Avenue. Up to that time, Jordan played a critical role in the establishment of Freedom Inc. and Black political power in Kansas City and the Missouri Capitol.
- Emiel Cleaver, filmmaker and director of "Leon Jordan: A Legacy of Leadership"
Segment 3, beginning at 42:01: With a European tour postponed, a new album of music must suffice.
After retiring from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Bobby Watson was set to tour Europe, spreading the gospel of Kansas City jazz. The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic made those plans impossible, but the instrumentalist is still celebrating the release of a new album, "Keepin' it Real."
- Bobby Watson, jazz saxophonist and educator
Emiel Cleaver's documentary "Leon Jordan: Legacy of Leadership" will air live at 8 p.m., Wednesday, July 15, on, and the 41 Action News Facebook Page and YouTube channel.
The Bobby Watson - Curtis Lundy Quartet will perform at a drive-in concert at 8 p.m., Thursday, July 16, at Plexpod Westport Commons, 800 E. 39th St., Kansas City, Missouri 64111. For more information, visit