Segment 1, beginning at 4:37: 20 years ago a tragedy killed Missouri's governor, and changed Missouri politics forever.
In October 2000, a plane carrying Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, his son Randy and aide Chris Sifford crashed in eastern Missouri. All three died, just weeks before Election Day, but Gov. Carnahan was still elected posthumously to the U.S. Senate. His widow, Jean Carnahan, served in his place.
- Roy Temple, former chief of staff to Gov. Mel Carnahan
- Scott Charton, former Missouri Statehouse correspondent for the Associated Press
Segment 2, beginning at 28:43: Buckle up for election night, says one of our Smart Money Experts.
Contested elections, like the one between Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000, can have unpredictable affects on personal investments. Our Smart Money Experts say that, even though there's a lot of uncertainty, there are still ways to prepare.
- Nolan Keim, client service associate at Mariner Wealth Advisors
- Lucas Bucl, director of investment management for Aspyre Wealth Partners