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Cancel Culture | Indigenous Thanksgiving Food

J.K. Rowling.
J.K. Rowling
Author J.K. Rowling is just one celebrity hit by cancel culture over her Twitter posts regarding trans persons.

What is behind the social media punishment for those who fall out of public opinion favor, and reviving Native American foods and recipes.

Segment 1, beginning at 2:59: The latest tool in the box of public opinion for punishing those who fall out of favor is "#Cancelled."

J.K. Rowling, Jimmy Fallon and Ellen Degeneres have all been ostracized on social media for actions or words found offensive. Some recover, some don't — and now it's not just the famous experiencing being canceled.

  • Korri Palmer, student from Wooster College who wrote her graduate thesis on cancel culture
  • Justice Horn, community activist who found himself canceled from the Black Lives Matter movement during protests earlier this year

Segment 2, beginning at 29:35: Eating "pre-contact" plants and animals the week of Thanksgiving highlights the growing movement for food sovereignty.

Few of the foods present when the Pilgrims of the Plymouth colony invited members of the Wampanoag tribe to a harvest feast bear any resemblance to what's found on the holiday table of today. A guide to the foods that sustained native peoples of the Americas for millennia before Europeans arrived and how bringing those foods back is preserving indigenous cultures.

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Chris Young is an Assistant Producer for KCUR’s Up To Date. Contact him at chrisy@kcur.org.
Whether it’s something happening right now or something that happened 100 years ago, some stories don’t fit in the short few minutes of a newscast. As a podcast producer for KCUR Studios and host of the podcast A People’s History of Kansas City, I help investigate questions and local curiosities in a way that brings listeners along for adventures with plot twists and thought-provoking ideas. Sometimes there isn’t an easy answer in the end – but my hope is that we all leave with a greater understanding of the city we live in. Reach me at mackenzie@kcur.org.
As senior producer of Up To Date, I want our listeners to hear familiar and new voices that shine light on the issues and challenges facing the myriad communities KCUR serves, and to expose our audiences to the wonderful and the creative in the Kansas City area. Just as important to me is an obligation to mentor the next generation of producers to ensure that the important conversations continue. Reach me at alexanderdk@kcur.org.