Segment 1, beginning at 01:00: Kansas Citians are saying the replacement John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil Memorial Bridge design does not do justice to its namesake.
The utilitarian look that left some disappointed was influenced by budget as well as Federal Aviation Administration and Coast Guard requirements not in place when the original structure was built. Listeners offered ideas for reusing the original bridge which will remain standing.
- Perry Allen, Assistant District Engineer for Missouri Department of Transportation Kansas City
To learn more about the project, visit
Segment 2, beginning at 29:51: The Vatican says Catholic priests are not to bless LGBTQ unions because God "cannot bless sin."
Pope Francis has been socially progressive compared to his predecessors. But, after the Pope approved this latest decree, the Catholic Church has received backlash from some of its clergy. We discussed the Vatican's decision and the impact it will have on the LGBTQ community.
- Christopher White, national reporter for the National Catholic Reporter