The late artist Elizabeth "Grandma" Layton, a native of Wellsville, Kansas, was self-taught and took her first drawing class late in life. By Laura Lorson, Kansas Public Radio
Lawrence, KS – Author and journalist Don Lambert helped bring Layton's work to national attention and spoke recently to Kansas Public Radio's Laura Lorson about the importance of Elizabeth "Grandma" Layton's life and art.
Elizabeth Layton Revisited: Original drawings in the permanent collection of the Lawrence Arts Center, June 1 - July 20, Lawrence Arts Center.
From the Lawrence Arts Center website: "Elizabeth "Grandma" Layton, the well-known Wellsville, Kan. artist, made her first drawing, "Two Pitchers Pouring," in 1977 at the age of 68 after enrolling in her first, and only, drawing class at Ottawa University under teacher Pal Wright. She was introduced to the blind contour method that requires the student to look continuously at the object being drawn rather than at the drawing itself. Students started by drawing simple objects and later began making self-portraits while looking into mirrors."