KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The cost of a college education in the University of Missouri system will be going up if curators vote Thursday and Friday of this week to follow recommendations of hikes ranging up to 6.6 percent.
Interim system President Steve Owens points to a 7 percent cut in state appropriations, a $42 million drop off, when he talks about the proposal to increase in-state fees and tuition.
It would not be the same at each campus, Kansas City, Columbia, St. Louis and Rolla. Five point 8 percent at the Columbia campus, Six point 6 at Rolla, Four point 8 for undergraduate students at UMKC where reaction is surprise among students such as Senior Mike Castillo of Blue Springs.
Castillo, a pre-health major, sees an inequity- -"usually when you get a pay increase it's usually no more than 2 percent. And this is twice that. So I think it's really going to hurt a lot of poor students."
If approved, the increases are expected to go into effect this summer.