News site The Daily Beast released an extensive review of United States high schools, and two of Kansas City's were ranked as "Doing the Most With the Least."
Out of 25 schools, Sumner Academy of Arts and Science in Kansas City, Kan., and Lincoln College Preparatory Academy in Kansas City, Mo., ranked 17th and 18th, respectively.
Sumner boasts an impressive 100 percent graduation rate, with 99 percent of those who graduate moving on to college. Lincoln isn't far behind with 98.5 percent of students earning a diploma, 98 percent of whom successfully move on to college.
Kansas City Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Steve Green says Lincoln Prep is more of a movement than a school.
"That's what you're seeing at Lincoln. A mass movement around rigor, hard work and achievement," he says.
The Daily Beast's ranking is based on achievement in relation to poverty. The website took each school's ranking and multiplied it by free or reduced lunch rates. At Sumner, 69 percent of students take advantage of free or reduced lunch. At Lincoln, the number is even higher, at 73 percent.