A storm warning has been sent to Kansas City by a city department that performs much of the snow plowing during and after major winter storms.
The caveat comes as fallout from proposed budget cuts.
Warnings came from members of the Kansas City Board of Parks and Recreation.
The parks department is facing spending cuts of $5 million for the coming year. Appointed members warn that the department is so lean from past budget trimmings, a $5 million slash will have dire consequences.
The City Council was asked to consider snow plowing of streets and boulevards. Member Aimee Gromowsky noted this winter has been mild but there is no telling what next year will bring--“a major concern is how this department will respond to a prolonged storm event like Kansas City has known for many years.”
Gromowsky notes that the city no longer has public greenhouses. Plantings suffer. Mowing is becoming neglected. The parks department asks the Council to restore two fifths of the proposed cuts. The City has to have a budget created and affirmed by next month.