With a resolution passed yesterday, Kansas City's city council is getting more involved in fixing lagging ambulance response times. And there's more involvement to come.
The council sent the city manager a resolution calling for him to take steps to shave off the half-minute or more added to response times by a new screening procedure for 9-1-1 calls.
But councilman John Sharp said it doesn't mean the council will be micro-managing.
“We aren't saying, 'Do it this way,' or 'Do it that way. We aren't saying, 'Go back to the old way of dispatching.' We are simply saying, 'Let;s decrease the time it takes to dispatch an ambulance,'” he said.
The council is asking the city manager to work with the fire department and a new emergency services coordinating committee to work out a solution.
Details on that coordinating committee will be discussed by the Public Safety and Emergency Services Committee Monday morning.