Governor Jay Nixon is in Afghanistan visiting members of the Missouri National Guard who won’t be home for the holidays. The governor arrived in Kuwait Tuesday afternoon and visited guardsmen and women from Springfield and Sedalia before moving on to Afghanistan. Once there, he visited an engineer company from Farmington and the surrounding area.
“They’re roadsweepers, it’s tough work – they’re the ones that are out there doing the hard work," says Nixon. "Every time I’m here I’m inspired by the 24-7 get-it-done attitude, and am confidient that Missourians, as usual, are not hesitating to assist when called on.”
In addition to greeting troops, Nixon says his trip will help shape next year’s state budget proposal.
“We’ve picked up a lot, when you look at what the missions are in the future," he says. "And I think that will allow us to efficiently and effectively use the taxpayer dollars we have on the Guard’s side to the greatest benefit.”
This is Governor Nixon’s third trip overseas to visit Missouri troops in war zones.