The city of Kansas City, Mo. has received a grant to pay for spaying or neutering more than 800 pit bulls. But at least for now, the free service will apply only in two zip codes.
Pit bull and pit bull mix owners in Kansas City have a choice: spay or neuter the dogs or pay a breeder's fee. Deletta Dean of the city's department of neighborhoods and housing services told a city council committee that a grant from PetSmart Charities would provide $100,000 for spay and neuter services in the 64130 and 64132 zip codes.
Dean says the number of pit bull and pit bull mix dogs in the Kansas City area is about 7400, and the owners of approximately 20 percent of those animals live in those two zip codes.
Dean plans to apply for a similar sized grant for spaying and neutering pit bulls in other areas of the city. The full city council will vote to accept the grant this week.
Also on the agenda is a final vote on major tax incentives for a $4.3 billion Cerner Corporation redevelopment of the old Bannister Mall area.