Franklyn Cater
Engineers at MIT developed an electric, shareable car that would fold to conserve parking spaces. A prototype was made for production in Europe. But why did this promising auto never hit the road?
Transit decisions are made by political bodies, and the results are often that the communities with the most political and economic power drive the bus, so to speak. Big data may change that.
Single people represent the fastest growing category of households in the U.S. That's made small dwellings — from micro-apartments to stand-alone tiny houses, a niche force in the real estate market.
The park, built on piers left over from an obsolete, demolished bridge, would connect two disparate parts of the city in hopes of sparking new life and knitting two communities.
Passing mentions of the U.S. government during this week's international CityLab gathering of mayors, city planners and urban experts in New York City sent knowing chuckles rolling through the audience.
The water rose quickly this morning and one family had to be rescued by officials on canoes and military vehicles.
In the nation's capital, park planners have drawn up an ambitious plan to transform an old bridge into an active recreation space. If realized, the park would offer a physical and symbolic link between two very different communities.
As many cities add bus and bike lanes, raise parking rates and increase traffic enforcement with cameras, some motorists feel like they're under attack. But advocates of these changes say they give people more options for getting around and make cities safer.