Rep. Emanual Cleaver began writing his novel more than three years ago to alleviate boredom on a train ride from D.C. to New York. "The more I wrote the more fun I was having" creating scenarios based on what was happening in Washington, D.C., Cleaver said.
Was Cleaver imagining what a second term of a Trump presidency could look like? "I think it's looking ahead at the possibility of what can happen if we elect an out-of-control president," he responded. "We slipped awfully close to damaging our democracy during the last days of the Trump administration... I think there is a danger."
The congressman also commented on President Biden's infrastructure initiatives.
"He wants the American public to understand that big things can still happen in government," Cleaver said. "What he is doing will compare, futuristically, with what was done in the FDR administration."
- U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, author of "American Coup"