Segment 1: How the pressure to be a "perfect" parent can debilitate and damage families.
There's a lot of pressure on parents these days to do whatever they can to create a perfect childhood for their kids, but these expectations can do more harm than good. Today, we explored "Mommy Burnout," and found out how it can impact kids, families and mothers.
- Sheryl Ziegler, doctor of psychology and author of "Mommy Burnout"
Segment 2, beginning at 23:19: The latest development projects changing the face of downtown Kansas City.
Whether it's the new paid parking lots in the River Market or an old apartment building getting a facelift, plenty of projects underway now will change the way people live, work and play in the metro. In our second half, we discussed the ongoing development boom in downtown Kansas City, and got a sense for the changes that are still in the works.
- Kevin Collison, KCUR contributor and creator of CitySceneKC