Segment 1: Clay County, Missouri, audit is stalled amid ongoing litigation.
Missouri Auditor Nicole Galloway launched an audit into Clay County last December, after more than 9,000 citizens requested it. Since then, the county has withheld documents needed to complete the audit, received a subpoena and sued the auditor's office. Sherry Duffett of the group Citizens for a Better Clay County points to Luann Ridgeway and Gene Owen, two of the county's three commissioners, as the reason the audit is at a standstill.
- Jerry Nolte, Clay County commissioner
- Sherry Duffett, leader of Citizens For A Better Clay County
Segment 2, beginning at 24:29: Author questions whether political correctness has gone too far in academia.
Robert Boyers classifies himself as an "old style liberal." His latest book argues that concepts like white privilege and appropriation have been used as tools of censorship, and have stifled liberal discussion. While Boyers says hate speech has no place in academia, he feels society has a "survellience culture in which people are being surveilled, called out and shamed for doing things which are not in themselves hostile or oppressive."
- Robert Boyers, author, "The Tyranny of Virtue: Identity, the Academy, and the Hunt for Political Heresies"