Segment 1: Chief Smith speaks to 'disheartening' amount of violent crime in Kansas City, Missouri.
When asked about the causes behind violent crime in his city, police chief Rick Smith pointed to several factors including lack of conflict resolution skills, public policies and gun law issues. Smith shared the department's new approach that focuses on the most dangerous individuals involved in gun crimes and acknowledged that the police department "will always be a constant review process" to keep up with changes in technology and the types of jobs needed within the force.
- Rick Smith, chief, Kansas City, Missouri Police Department
Segment 2, beginning at 27:22: How to ethically approach climate change resolutions and thoughts on cancel culture.
Our ethics professors agree climate change resolutions are an issue of public policy. While Wayne Vaught said individuals should certainly be making "conscience decisions," it's ultimately about supporting efforts to combat the phenomenon on a larger scale. They untangled the concept of cancel culture and whether or not a celebrity or other public figure should lose their livelihood by being cancelled for a single act or statement.
- Clancy Martin, philosophy and business ethics professor, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Wayne Vaught, provost and vice president of academic affairs, Utah Valley University