Social media in Kansas City is abuzz this week with excitement over the Royals’ home opener on Friday.
Diehard fans are swapping predictions on Twitter for the new season via #Royals, #BeRoyalKC, #Royalsnation and other hashtags.
After the success of 2013’s season, KCUR’s Greg Echlin reports that players have high hopes for this season.
Fans do, too, according to our informal Tell KCUR poll on social media this week.
We asked: Is this the year the Royals will make it to the playoffs? Why or why not?
(The Royals haven't been to the playoffs since 1985, when they beat the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series.)
We received a lot of positive predictions for the Royals, but none so supportive as this comment on our Facebook page from Elliot Dill:
“If The Royals don't make it to the playoffs this year then there is no God,” Elliot writes.
You shared some pessimism with us, too, however.
See highlights from the Tell KCUR conversation online below.
For the full Twitter stream, follow the #TellKCURhashtag.
Check our Facebook page for more comments.
For an insider’s look at the Royals' home opener, tune into talk show Up To Date at 11 a.m. Friday. We’ll be broadcasting live from Kauffman Stadium. Listen to the live stream at
Tell KCUR is part of an initiative to engage the community and shine a light on your experiences and opinions. We’ll ask a new question every week and then share your feedback on the air and online. Check out our arsenal of questions.