The Trump administration’s ban on refugee arrivals and federal funding for resettlement organizations is impacting Kansas City agencies, and their work to support the people who've already arrived.
President Trump ordered the suspension of federally-funded refugee services and admissions. In Kansas City, groups are struggling to serve newly-arrived clients — who have already passed strict vetting to get into the U.S. — with basic financial assistance, food and medicine.
2 Kansas City women are risking everything to spread messages of liberation among protesters in IranAs protests in Iran move into their fourth month, these Iranian American women aren’t giving up. With every social media post, text, or WhatsApp call, they want to bring hope and liberation to Iranians back home and living abroad.
A year after the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, 760 refugees have made Kansas City their new home. But even after finding jobs and housing, these new residents remain separated from their family and uncertain about their future — including if they'll be allowed to stay.
Hundreds of refugees have found housing, jobs and new lives in Kansas City since the U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan. But many remain separated from their family members, and are struggling with an uncertain future here.
Some resettlement organizations are only getting only 48 hours notice to find housing and work for Afghan refugees.
Local and Missouri agencies have already welcomed some refugees from Afghanistan in recent weeks, but they expect more to flee as the Taliban takes over the country following the withdrawal of U.S. troops.