Kansas’ uninsured rate would be 35 percent higher by 2022 under the Senate’s health care proposal than under the Affordable Care Act, according to an…
Former Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger says members of Congress should set aside partisan differences and fix problems with the Affordable…
After taking his new role as Kansas insurance commissioner, Ken Selzer stressed that he will work toward providing Kansas consumers with a more robust…
Ken Selzer, a conservative Republican who supports repeal of the Affordable Care Act and Kansas’ participation in a multi-state compact designed to allow…
The top-of-the-ticket races may be commanding the most attention in this year’s Kansas election, but significant issues also are in play in some of the…
The trend of Kansas Republicans crossing party lines to support Democrats running against GOP conservatives has now reached the insurance commissioner’s…
Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger, a Republican, will endorse Democrat Dennis Anderson on Tuesday, according to a news release issued by…
Five candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for Kansas insurance commissioner, an office that regulates insurance companies, examines them for…
The head of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and two members met Wednesday with President Obama to discuss the troubled rollout of the…
In a little less than two months, Kansans will be able to begin shopping for individual health insurance plans through the new, online marketplace called…
The Kansas Insurance Department is planning meetings to help educate people about the Affordable Care Act.Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger says…
Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal health law has provided more clarity to the region and country. But as key parts of the law now…