The 2023 National Geographic documentary “The Space Race” explores the history of Black astronauts, including Kansas City’s own Ed Dwight. Local nonprofit aSTEAM Village is screening the movie to fund their trip to the 50th National Society of Black Engineers convention in Atlanta.
After months of design work and practice, the Center High School rocket team is among 100 finalists competing in the American Rocketry Challenge next week.
In a show inspired by the film Hidden Figures, we hear local stories, like the story of Ed Dwight, a KCK native, came close to being the black man on a…
LAWRENCE, Kansas — Faculty, students and alumni are pleading with the University of Kansas not to ax a teacher-training center slated to become the next…
Segment 1: A KU research team got a grant to bring technology training to women's prisons.The population of women in U.S. prisons has risen 834 percent…
A teenager wakes up, gets ready for school. Slips a smartphone into her pocket on the way out the door.Her day may well include some biology or chemistry,…
Life is expensive. Rent, health care, raising a family, saving for retirement — it adds up. But so does college debt. In fact, the cost of college shot up…
When Uhunoma Amayo found out his science experiment was one of just 34 selected to be carried out this spring on the International Space Station, he was…
Back when she was in eighth grade at California Trail in the Olathe Public Schools, Lilly Beckwith loved making amateur videos with Windows Movie Maker…
There were some groans back in August when Laura Lavallee told sixth graders at Tomahawk Elementary they’d be talking about their career prospects this…
The CEO of Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, Harlan Brownlee, will leave that role at the end of this year, but it won't mark the end of a 35-year…
State lawmakers return to the Missouri Capitol on Monday for a special session designed to pass two pieces of legislation vetoed by Gov. Mike Parson....