President Obama’s gun protection proposals may have some value-base according to Missouri’s junior U.S. Senator, Republican Roy Blunt. However, Blunt continues to believe no successful legislation will come from calls for greater gun restrictions. And says the President’s plan is no solution.
Senator Blunt arrived in Kansas City prepared to talk about plans for the First World War memorial commission but his visit coincided with the President’s announcement on the $500 million gun violence package.
In the Senator’s words, “I think there are a number of things to look at here. Some the President mentioned. Mental health concerns are real and what we can do about sharing information on criminal behavior.”
Blunt cited a common thread in some cases of violence and said he was “willing to take a look at those.”
The Senator also said he said he is also going to co-sponsor legislation with Senator Al Franken, a Democrat, to deal with mental health issues. He did not elaborate.
Shortly after meeting with reporters, Blunt’s press office issued a statement, quoting him as saying, in part, “As the father of a young son and the grandfather to six young children, I was outraged and saddened by the Sandy Hook shooting. Unfortunately, the president's proposals today fundamentally fail to address ways that we can prevent tragic events like Sandy Hook, and instead, he's attempting to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.”