The Missouri Supreme Court heard arguments asking it to declare unconstitutional the state's "Second Amendment Preservation Act." The bill, signed in 2021, imposes a $50,000 fine on any state or local official who enforces a federal gun law that’s not already a law in Missouri. It also declares invalid any federal laws infringing the Second Amendment.
As a result, law enforcement have suspended participation in all joint state-federal task forces and halted the sharing of certain data the federal government uses to solve crimes. St. Louis, St. Louis County and Jackson County sued.
The Midwest Newsroom's Kavahn Mansouri reports that the Supreme Court will issue its decision at a later date.
With Medicaid expansion, a broad swathe of low-income Missourians are now eligible to receive public health insurance. That cross section includes people leaving prison, who often go from having basic health care on the inside to not having any on the outside. As Sebastian Martinez Valdivia of KBIA reports, access to low-cost health insurance could keep more people from reoffending and ending back in prison.
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Kansas City Today is hosted by Nomin Ujiyediin. It is produced by Byron Love with Trevor Grandin and edited by Gabe Rosenberg & Lisa Rodriguez.
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