The pandemic saw a number of festivals cancel, postpone or go virtual in 2020. This year, many are coming back, some in person, others remaining virtual and some adopting a hybrid model. One Kansas City filmmaker talks about how her 2020 effort is doing well at film festivals and the Film Critics explain the role these play in local economies and movie makers' careers. Cynthia and Steve also give us their picks of films now playing to see.
- Peregrine Honig, screenwriter and producer, "Summer in Hindsight" and senior artistic director, West 18 Street Fashion Show
- Cynthia Haines, film critic
- Steve Walker, film critic
The West 18th Street Fashion Show, "Summer Tableau" takes place Saturday, June 12, at West 18th Street in the Crossroads, Kansas City, Missouri at 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Tickets are available through eventbrite.
The Film Critics Picks:
Cynthia Haines:
"It's Not a Burden"
“Apocalypse '45“
"City of Ali"
Steve Walker:
"Two Lottery Tickets"